
English Translation Examples: Be Yourself

A major source of disappointment in our lives is the mistaken expectations we have of others. This is especially true when such assumptions intrude into our interactions and relationships.
Stop expecting others to conform to your preconceptions
To love and respect others means you allow them to be themselves. When you stop expecting others to be a certain kind of person, you find you can better appreciate their innate strengths.
You should respect how others choose to see themselves, instead of seeing them as you prefer to see them. Every person is unique. All it takes is a little patience to arrive at this truth.
Stop expecting others to agree with you
You deserve to live a happy and fulfilling life. Don’t let the opinions of others let you forget this. We are not on this earth to live out the expectations of others. In fact, once you find yourself committed in a certain direction, you don’t need to pay much attention to the opinions of others.
Bravely be yourself and follow your intuition. Don’t compare yourself with others and don’t envy the good life that others may enjoy. Bravely walk your own road and stay true to your own goals. Ultimate success is none other than enjoying your life in your own way.
Excerpt from CommonWealth Magazine article


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