

英国冥想正念专家安迪.帕帝康(Andy Puddicombe:带给我们最大困扰的并不是外界事物,而是我们的心智。
English author and meditation teacher Andy Puddicombe writes: “The thing that gives us the most trouble is not the world, but our mind.”  
Mindfulness is about focusing on the present; focusing on this very moment. It is experiencing the present moment with a mind that is undivided, undistracted, and not lost in thought. It is not an artificial or temporary state of mind that you work to create and maintain. Quite the contrary. Mindfulness is taking a step back. Meditation is a natural state, free from the usual chaos we experience in our mind. 
“Headspace” means being calm about any thought you are experiencing or emotion you are feeling. 
One of 10 Mindfulness Techniques: Gratitude: Taking nothing for granted
Have you noticed how some people magnify the small problems in their lives, but rarely take time to appreciate their moments of happiness? This is partly because they take happiness for granted. Everything else that happens in their lives is seen as wrong or inadequate.  
Taking a moment to feel grateful may seem a bit cliché for some, but if you hope to experience more “headspace” it is necessary. When you have a strong sense of gratitude for life, it will be difficult to fall into distraction. Sincerely appreciate what you have, and you will begin to see more clearly what others lack in their lives.  
文章摘自:Headspace冥想正念手册》博客来介绍 大人社团网站
Excerpt fromHeadspace冥想正念手册》and club.commonhealth article


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