Every year from May to August, 70,000 new graduates flood the job market in Taiwan. Offering these graduates an invaluable opportunity to stand out from the crowd is Babel.
How to Market Yourself in a Recession: English Resume Writing and Interviewing Workshop was designed by Babel on behalf of Vitae to teach new graduates how to use their resumes and interviews to get noticed by prospective employers.
Under the guidance of Babel’s director, who co-authored one of Taiwan’s first books on writing resumes in English for non-native speakers, workshop participants came away with valuable insights on the hidden rules of resume writing and interview prep.
Participants learned valuable tips and strategies that could only come from a career coach as experienced as Babel’s director. Topics focused on writing a resume from an employer’s perspective, indentifying and highlighting a resume’s Unique Selling Propositions (USP), incorporating branding principles used by the world’s top companies, avoiding the three most dangerous interview traps and much more.
Participants applauded the depth and breath of the material, as well as its clear presentation. And to our pride, many later wrote saying the workshop played no small part in helping them land their dream job.